Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Remember that time you ate that spicy chicken just before you went to bed on the night before the big dance?  Oh, that weird dream you had about the 2016 presidential election.  When you woke up you couldn't quite remember the exact details, but after reading "On Self-Reliance" and "A Sound of Thunder" it's all coming back to you now.

The dream started badly.  You were in line with your family at a restaurant waiting to be sent to school.  Everywhere you looked there were posters of president-elect Bird Brain, looking like a crazy elephant who could eat a whole cake.   

Suddenly, there was Ralph Waldo Emerson telling you, "Nothing can bring you peace but yourself."  You realized that you have something to contribute to the world so you decided to run.  But it wasn't easy.  First, you had to put on a fancy suit and tie and then you had made a machine to go back in time to the beach so you could convince people to learn about the candidates and the foreign policy

But right there on the beach, there was a giant octopus and it started yelling at everyone.  People started to cry.  You grabbed a gun from a nearby sandcastle and yelled "MAKE THE MOST OUT OF YOUR LIFE BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE.  Everyone stopped and listened, so you kept going.

     Every choice you make influences not only yourself but others as well. Try to make the best decisions for yourself, in which the decision helps others as well.  Don't be afraid to speak out too. Everyone has an opinion and great ideas;  you just need to express them. Also, don't let past decisions dictate how you live your life in the present. Have confidence in yourself. One small mistake doesn't define who you are. In the essay' On Self-Reliance", Emerson makes us agree that if we don't say what we have on our mind, someone else will say that idea and steal the credit. That is why you should have confidence in yourself and express your ideas. In "A Sound of Thunder", the main character, Eckles, makes a major decision that changes the entire future.  His decision changed the entire world. This is why you should believe that everyone has the power to change the world. You just need to make the effort to do it.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


  • Day 4 
    Stephania's Presentation 
    Be the change you want to see in the world. 
    Erin Hanson 

    Fatima And Jordan's Presentation 
    Emerson's Greatest Hits 
    My life is for myself. It's not for anyone to judge.  
    Trust Thyself. 
    Stay true to yourself. 

    Leydi's Presentation 
    What I must do  is all that concerns me, not what people think. 
    Donald Trump 
    Envy is ignorance; imitation is suicide 
    Kanye West 
    Every heart vibrates to that iron string 
    Michelle Obama- Always stay true to yourself 
    Love Yourz 
    People follow the crowd 

    Alexis's Presentation 
    Frank Ocean 
    From his album Blonde 
    Stop trying to be someone else. Don't try to be someone else. Be yourself. Be secure with yourself. 
    Do not smoke marijuana. 
    Don't follow the crowd because it seems cool. 
    When you try to be yourself, people think you're weird. 
    When you're a kid, you think that you can do anything in the world. 
    Let your inner child out and be free.  
    Angel's Presentation 
    Ne te quesiveris extra 
    Don't try to copy others 
    Be confident 
    Be who you want to be 
    Nothing can bring you peace but yourself 
    Don't be a bitch 

    Linda's Presentation 
    Fall Out Boy 
    Ariana Grande 
    David Bowie 
    Fearless- Pink Floyd 
    Man in the Mirror 
    Black Veil Brides 
    Remember your roots; stay true to yourself 

    Cayla's Presentation 
    Do not seek outside yourself- Represented by an eye 
    To be great is to be misunderstood


  • Day 3 
    Cerenity, Adriana, Clemente's Presentation 
    Three cardboard boxes 
    "It's not your fault you're in love with me." 
    No matter how much you want it to be a cake, it will always be a box. 
    Another box represents a layer of a cake 
    Accept yourself. 
    The outer layer 
    I used to walk into a room full of people and wonder if they like me. Now I look around and wonder if I like them. 
    Relate Emerson in a different way 
    The boxes symbolize what people seem to be. You're not who you really are. Show who you really are. 
    Physical Appearances 

    Abby and Peters Presentation 
    Expressed through music 
    Parody of Man in the Mirror- Michael Jackson 
    Step out of your comfort zone 
    Emerson gives a cliché message to be yourself 
    Don't let society force to be the same 
    Follow your idea that will lead you to your future 
    Paloma's Presentation 
    Envisioned a guy and a girl with their eyes closed  
    "Society is a wave. The wave moves onward, but the water of which it is composed does not. The same particle does not rise from the valley to the ridge. Its unity is only phenomenal. The persons who make up a nation to-day, next year die, and their experience with them." 
    We're all that different color, that different star. 
    "Man is his own star; and the soul that can Render an honest and a perfect man," 
    "It is the harder, because you will always find those who think they know what is your duty better than you know it. It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude." 
    Each person is their own individual string. We all make our own sound. 
    You are you. Be yourself. 
    We all have a creative impulse. 

    Bridgette's Presentation 
    Quotes from Emerson 
    "To be great is to be misunderstood." 
    We're all one of a kind 
    We should be proud of our creativity 
    Don't let the negativity affect you 
    We often find happiness in other people. 
    We should love and be comfortable with ourselves 
    Society is a wave 


DAY 2 

Jackie's Presentation 
"There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better" 
It is foolish to try to be like everyone else. 
Your unique personality is more important. 

Alejandra and Rose's Presentation 
Why would you be boring original and die a copy? 
Used symbolism 
Cracked an egg in a bag. 
Opened up a hard-boiled egg 
Everyone's the same inside. 
Crack under pressure 
You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. 
Killing yourself to reach perfection. 
Interesting and unique presentation 

Lily's Presentation 
Brussel Sprouts- idea of us and how we think 
Believe in yourself 
Extended metaphor 
Allegory- use of an extended metaphor throughout the whole story 


DAY 1 
Lesley's Presentation 
Doesn't agree with Emerson 
21 Pilots 
Chose lyrics from albums "Blurry Face" and "Vessel" 
Tyler Joseph 
"Stressed Out" 
"Lone Boy" 
We've learned to push away what we want and do what society wants. 
We should learn to be more self-reliant. 
Original Idea- Connect more songs to Emerson 

Samary's Presentation 
Doesn't agree with Emerson 
"If malice and vanity wear the coat of philanthropy, shall that pass?" 
Light, religion love 
Share your opinions and don't care what people think. 
Images: Uncle Sam, Philanthropy 
 Cesar's Presentation 
How to be a Genius 
Albert Einstein, Donald Trump, Kanye West, Teddy Roosevelt 
Stay true to yourself. 
The great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. 
We shouldn't let what we've said before affect what we say right now. 
"Men do what is called a good action, as some piece of courage or charity, much as they would pay a fine in expiation of daily non-appearance on parade." 
Be more self-reliant and don't let society control you as much. 

Katryna and Daniel's Presentation 
Quote collage 
Every follows the same path in society. 
Find who you have not become 
Be different than everyone; be confident in what you do. 
Accept the divine; accept what your conditions are right now 
If you stay silent, someone else will steal your ideas. 
Thrive under pressure; don't copy what other people do.


Personally, I found this story interesting. Stories that go beyond our present-day technology are amazing to me. Unfortunately, the main character was a coward. He ruined history by running away. However, I feel as though a lot people would run away if they saw a real life Tyrannosaurus.